
Please note that some calls are available in Italian only

Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"WASTE-DERIVED SILICA-BASED POROUS SOLIDS FOR CARBON DIOXIDE CAPTURE, STORAGE AND RE-USE (SILCO)//MUR PRIN 2022 PNRR "SILCO" CODE PROG. P2022SZANL CUP D53D23018540001-2024_ASSEGNI_DCMC_3 Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme : "ADVANCED OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY ON PHOTORESPONSIVE BACTERIA//BIOHYSICAL STUDIES ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN PHOTOACTUATORS AND BACTERIA - PROJECT EOS N. 101115925-2024_ASSEGNI_DFIS_2" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"STOCHASTIC ELECTROMAGNETIC MODELING AND DEEP LEARNING FOR AN EFFECTIVE AND PERSONALIZED TMS//PRIN 2022 "STEM-DEEP", COD.2022P8YKLJ, CUP: D53D23001410006-2023_ASSEGNI_DEIB_136" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"ELECTRONIC READ-OUT SYSTEMS IN PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC FOR DSSC AT XFEL//DSSC ACQUISITION FIRMWARE BUG FIX AND FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR NEW HARDWARE SOLUTIONS.-2023_ASSEGNI_DEIB_152"                                                                                                           Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"OPTICAL SOLUTIONS FOR SMART AND SECURE FIBER COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS IN URBAN SCENARIO. MUR RESEARCH PROJECT PRIN2022 SURENET (ID 2022HRKKCN – CUP: D53D23001270006). 2023_ASSEGNI_DEIB_153" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"ADVANCING HYDROCLIMATIC EXTREMES' FORECASTS VIA MACHINE LEARNING// PRIN PNRR 2022 SAHARA P20227NPLW, CUP D53D23022760001-2023_ASSEGNI_DEIB_178" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"DEVELOPMENT OF ASSISTIVE ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS IN THE FIELD OF NEUROSURGERY WITH THE AIM OF REDUCING SURGEON WORKLOAD, IMPROVING ERGONOMICS AND SAFETY. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS BASED ON MEDICAL ROBOTS IN NEUROSURGERY. 2023_ASSEGNI_DEIB_188" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS IN GREEN ENERGY SUB-FIELD. ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES ON THE OFFER OF VCS IN THE GREEN ENERGY SUB-FIELD. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_157" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme :"RETHINKING PERSONAL SERVICES THROUGH DIGITAL. LISTENING TO NEEDS, CO-PLANNING RESPONSES AND SHARED EVALUATION OF RESULTS. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_167"                                                                                                           Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant
Call for applications for the award of temporary research fellowships within the framework of the following research programme:"VALUE-ORIENTED INNOVATION IN HEALTH CARE AND LIFE SCIENCE. DESIGN, MANAGEMENT AND EXPLOITATION OF INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE AND LIFE SCIENCE. 2023_ASSEGNI_DIG_168" Deadline: 29-02-24 Go to grant